
Buffy/Angel FanFiction

Spander Haiku

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Buffy/Angel FanFiction

The usual disclamer:

If you're too young to read this, go away. If you don't like slash (male/male or female/female sexual stories), go away. Don't send me hate mail, I'm not going to read it. Enough said.

Oh, and I don't own any of these charactes.

To Live Again (Angel/Spike/Wesley) - NC-17

Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-

Depravation (Spike/Xander) - hard R
Halloween 2003 challenge fic

Christmas Suprises (Angel/Wesley) - PG-13
Christmas 2003, Slash Advent Calendar fic

Don't Forget the Mistletoe (Spike/Xander) - PG
Christmas 2003, Slash Advent Calendar fic

No More Turning Away (Spike/Angel) - NC-17, kinda dark
Christmas 2003, Slash Advent Calendar fic

Too Good to Be True, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (Spike/Angelus) - Hard R
Written for itsabigrock for the Spike Slashficathon


An Exemplary Student (Willow/Jenny) - NC-17, dark fic
This is AU from season 2 when Jenny is killed by Angelus. Written as a challenge for 2003 Secret Slasha. Warning: There's slavery, BDSM, and semi-noncon sex here. You've been warned.

Punishment and Reward (Willow/Jenny/OC) - NC-17, dark fic
This is a follow-up piece to An Exemplary Student (a prequel). This is dark, there's bloodplay, semi-noncon sex with a possibly underage original character, and voyeurism. You've been warned.