
Buffy/Angel FanFiction

Spander Haiku

What I'm reading

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Original Haiku

The following Spander haiku are from postings in my livejournal.

twinkling blue eyes meet
chocolate brown while cool flesh meets
warm lips and tongues dance
--September 3, 2003
soft, loving caress
open mouth kisses over
hot, sensitive flesh
--September 2, 2003
chained to the bed posts
face down, legs spread, stinging ass
begging to be kissed
--September 2, 2003
I drive into him
in independence hall and
show him true freedom
--September 1, 2003
spank me harder, please
i like it when you tie me
up and fuck me hard
--August 31, 2003
Xander took a bite
of cheesesteak and thought this tastes
like Spike -- heavenly

--August 30, 2003
storms rage outside, but
xan and spike don't notice as
they have messy sex
--August 29, 2003
Xander spreads my thighs
thrusts inside me hard and fast
Yes! Yes! Oh God Yes!
--August 28, 2003 (for Estepheia's birthday)
dark chocolate square
melting on my tongue like Spike
melts in Xander's mouth
--August 28, 2003
staring at the screen
eyes cross, head throbs, mind goes blank
must find Spander fic
--August 27, 2003